Wildlife - Butterflies and Moths

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

This amazing series of images follow an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly from egg to caterpillar then into its chrysalis. More images will follow as it emerges as the Tiger Swallowtail butterfly. This butterfly may overwinter in its chrysalis and may not emerge until Spring. Two eggs were laid only this one hatched. This set of images was taken by Christy Kennedy in Michigan.

Day 2 is the day after the butterfly laid the egg.

Day 2

Day 7

Day 7

Later on Day 7 a caterpillar emerges.

Day 8

Day 14

Day 17

Day 25

Day 27 Having a drink

Day 30

Day 30

Day 31

Day 32 Starting to turn green

Day 32

Day 33

Day 33

Day 34

Day 35

Day 36 The eyespots are clearly visible. These false eyes are to scare off predators

Day 36 In this image the brown head is clearly visible

Day 37

Day 38

Day 40 The caterpillar built a hammock of silk and returns to it between feedings

Day 41 The caterpillar is shedding its skin

Day 41 Finished shedding

Day 42

Day 42

Day 44

Day 45

Day 46

Day 46

Day 48 Last meal

Day 48 Last day before color change

Day 48

Day 48

Day 48

Day 49 Color change happened over night

Day 49

Day 49

Day 49 Looking for a place to build its chrysalis

Day 49
The caterpillar has attached itself to a stick at its hindquarters
and also created a strip of silk that it will hang from

Day 50 The caterpillar is hanging from the silk

Day 51 Formed a chrysalis overnight

Day 51

To be continued