Located in northern Arizona is one of the most amazing natural wonders on this planet. This national Park is more than one million acres or 1904 square miles. The length of the river in the park is 277 miles. The Grand Canyon is about a mile or 5,000 ft. deep from the south rim at the village to the river, and averages 10 miles across. The Grand Canyon Village on the south rim has lodging, a visitor's center, restaurants, giftshops, shuttles to the different lookout points, a railroad station and the most unbelieveable views. The sheer expanse of the canyon makes it really difficult to capture with a camera but we made an attempt.
Hikers make the trek into the canyon everyday to the Phantom Ranch at the bottom on the Colorado River. Reservations are required for overnight stays in the canyon. With reservations the ranch will provide accomodations and/or meals. There are two trails leading from the south rim to the river. The Bright Angel trail is located just west of the Bright Angel Lodge. On this trail is the Indian Garden campground on the Tonto Plateau about half way to the river. The South Kaibab is located a short shuttle ride east of the village.
Hiking into the canyon is demanding. Its easy to take a walk down the trail but what goes down has to come up. Over 250 people have to be rescued from the canyon each year. Before you start any trail in the canyon visit the web site for information before your visit and ask about conditions and weather when you arrive.
A view from the lookout point just outside the door of the Bright Angel lodge.
The Indian Garden campground can be seen hiding in the trees toward the top of the picture.
A closer look shows its real size. The trail can be seen coming up from the inner canyon.
The Bright Angel trail starts with a gentel slope but as you can see in the background it soon becomes a series of switchbacks as it drops down to the Tonto Plateau.
The Bright Angel trail can be seen working its way down into the canyon.
The Grand Canyon Village shows at the top of this photo with more of the Bright Angel trail below.
One of the many overlooks west of the village.
From the rim there are a number of places to see the Colorado river and some of its rapids.
An Assortment of views from the rim.
All supplies for the Phantom ranch and Indian Garden campground are carried by mules.