Wildlife - Critters of the desert
Desert Hairy Scorpions
These scorpians were found at night with a UV flashlight. The first shot shows how it looked in UV. The second in white light. It measures about 0.5 inches long. We have not ID'ed this one yet but expect it may be a Desert Hairy Scorpion.
Big Brown Bats
Bats are the only mammals that are naturally capable of flight.
The Coyote is one of the best at adapting to its environment. They can be found in all corners of this country. Their main enemy in the southwest is traffic on highways.
Bark Scorpian
This is the Bark scorpian which is the most venomous of the
scropian family. Its quite small getting to an over all length of about
1 1/2 inches. Its thin pinchers and pale yellow color are a tip-off to bad
attitude. This one is to be avoided. A sting may require medical attention.